Climate change poses an unprecedented threat to the health of people in Australia and across the world.
It is vital the next Federal Parliament is filled with elected representatives who are committed to strong and effective action on climate change – and policies that also protect human health from climate damage.
This Federal Election, please commit to voting for a candidate that is committed to strong climate and health policies. You can view our Policy Scorecard here to see where the major political parties stand on climate change and health this election.
Help make this the Climate Election
Your vote matters – and your concern about this issue also matters to the people around you
Have climate conversations
We encourage you to have as many conversations about climate change as you can ahead of the election. Research shows one of the reasons we don’t talk about climate change is because other people don’t talk about climate change! We need to talk about it! This way we can make concern for climate change a social norm – and this will encourage others to feel part of a network of concerned citizens and more likely to advocate for action.
As a climate voter, we will provide you with tips and information about having climate conversations.