The Australian Labor Party and the Australian Greens have declared their support, but we need your help to make sure that they translate that support into action.
+ Email your MP
Click here to send an email using the template email. Feel free to edit and personalise your email to make an impact. And be sure to let us know how you go – contact us through Twitter or Facebook or email and share a photo from your visit. Please stay in touch as we continue to grow this campaign, and reach out to policymakers and parliamentarians.
+ Meet with your MP
Health professionals are respected and credible. We're encouraging all health professionals and concerned citizens to meet with your Member of Parliament or Senator to highlight your concerns about climate change and health.
We've developed an Advocacy Toolkit to assist you in organising a meeting with your MP, a Pledge you can ask them to sign, to a Briefing Paper to provide background information and an Online Form so you can report back on your meeting - see below:
>> Download the Advocacy Toolkit here
>> Download the Pledge here
>> Download a set of supporting documents
>> Download a contact list for all Federal MPs/Senators
>> Report back on your meeting using our Online Form
Want some support before you take action? Or find other people who live in your area? Contact us via social media or email and we will do our best to find people who can join you, or provide support for your visit.