Tasmania Climate-Health Champions Workshop

Tasmania Climate-Health Champions Workshop

Are you concerned about the impact of climate change on the Australian community? Do you want to increase your ability to act?

We are pleased to offer health professionals the opportunity to attend a one day Climate-Health Champions workshop in Tasmania.

We're after people who are passionate about change, willing to develop skills, and want to be part of leading an effective movement for climate action.

Where: Hobart

When: 13/11/2019

Why: Because climate change is both the greatest health threat and the greatest health opportunity of the 21st century. As a health professional you have a voice of credibility and influence, and can positively influence change on this important issue.

The Climate and Health Alliance is a small Non-Government Organisation. The registration fee is on a cost recovery basis, and does not cover fees for presenters or trainers, but does cover travel, catering and some printed materials

November 13, 2019 at 9:30am - 3:30pm

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  • Adam Pulford
    followed this page 2019-10-08 10:55:21 +1100
  • Alice Eggleston
    published this page in Events 2019-09-23 16:03:35 +1000